
Diesel S10
Today, in 2023, the Brazilian refining park for diesel fuel has the capacity to refine approximately 75% of the diesel that is consumed domestically in the Brazilian market.
Therefore, the remaining 25% of Brazil's domestic diesel consumption needs to be imported.
As a participant in this market, Inn Trading Brasil imports Diesel Oil with specifications compatible with S10 Diesel, which is Diesel with the lowest sulphur content. "S" for sulphur, "10" for ten PPM (particles per million).
In addition, as of April 1, 2023, the ANP (National Petroleum Agency) increased the mixture (by Brazilian law) of Biodiesel (Vegetable Oils) in Imported Diesel Oil, from 10% to 12%.
We have Diesel Oil warehouses in Paranaguá PR and Santos SP.

What is Agricultural Urea from INN TRADING FERTILIZERS?
Urea is used for fertilization in agriculture to provide nitrogen for plants.
Nitrogen is a primary macronutrient, which plants need in large quantities.
INN TRADING FERTILIZERS provides its customers with a granulated solid agricultural urea, with the basic composition CO(NH2)2.
INN TRADING FERTILIZERS Agricultural Urea is a rich source of nitrogen, with about 46% of this chemical element.
Urea Composition
Total Nitrogen (N): 46,0% min.
Biureto: 1,0% max.
Umidade: 0,5% max.
Alcalinidade (NH3): 0,01% max.
Ferro (Fe): 1,0 ppm max.
Granulometria: de 2 - 4 mm: 80% – 90%

Brazil is one of the largest grain producers in the world.
The Brazilian production of grains may reach 312.4 million tons in the 2022/23 harvest, according to data released by the National Supply Company (Conab).
The area destined for planting for the 2022/2023 harvest is estimated at 76.6 million hectares. "It is worth noting that in Brazil, considering its vast territorial extension, there is the cultivation of three crops in distinct periods per year.
To support the export of GMO Corn and GMO Soy from Brazil, INN TRADING BRASIL has a warehouse for grain storage in Sorriso - MT, and partnerships with grain warehouses in Mato Grosso do Sul - MS, Mato Grosso - MT and Goiás - GO.
INN TRADING BRASIL has a long and traditional experience in the international trading of reforested wood.
Brazil is considered one of the best countries for the cultivation and extraction of reforested wood, especially eucalyptus, because the climatic conditions favor the rapid growth of trees. Here they can be used when they are about 7 years old, while in Europe, for example, they may need approximately 30 years.
- Eucalyptus: It is the reforestation tree the most planted in Brazil, due to its speed of growth, and can be of the "Grandis" type, lighter and more common, or the "Citriodora" type, darker, heavy and resistant. It is widely used as a structure in construction, creating a rustic and robust look.
- Pinus Elioti: The first tree to be used for replanting in Brazil, it provides wood with a yellowish aspect and many knots, which are those rounded and dark marks present irregularly on each piece.
- Araucaria: Widely used in the furniture industry for its tone and for being easy to work with, although it has a slower growth.
- Teak: This wood is also common in furniture, for its good appearance, resistance, and good machining. It is, however, more expensive, so it is usually more used for export or high standard furniture.